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May or may not come already more than a Twinkie diet News article Mark Haub, human nutrition, a native of Kansas State University Professor ate snack cake (Twinkie, Little Debbie snacks) some type 3-hour intervals.In addition, eating snack cakes, he also chowed down on Doritos, sugary cereals, Oreo cookies. He also took a multivitamin pill, ate vegetables and daily protein shake drank.
Why he did this?
He wanted to prove that the counting calories matters most weight and not simply to food, we can eat his Amazingly enough types. experiment ended with good results:
Lost 27 pounds 2 monthsBody mass index 28.8 24.9LDL lays down to 20% of the cholesterol HDL ("good" type) to a maximum of 20% and 39% down triglycerides (a type of "bad") cholesterolAre More important than Quality calories the food?
Even with great results for eating what most people consider to be junk food still does not make the professor to determine the extent to which the results of a healthy. who knows what long-term impact would be if someone to eat this way on a regular basis.When the professor was eating healthier, surprisingly enough, he found that he had to eat too much.
Many people don't like to calculate the calories, and some may argue that losing weight is more complex than counting of calories and pleasure. in my view, yet, the weight will be watching the calorie intake and physical activity a combination I personally will not try to lose weight eating junk food.I think our bodies will benefit much more natural food instead of processed food.
However, this experiment will look to drive Home the point that consumes less pleasure is an important factor to lose excess pounds. What do you think?
Read the full article below:
Twinkie diet helps nutrition Professor lost 27 pounds