Thursday, November 11, 2010

The allergy symptoms

Introduction to the

Although spring is proposing a new marked, in every way, it is time to create a ' when ' of the Act becomes life and is often the themes at the same time helping to reform, rebirth, and so on and so on.

Almost every culture and religion is a celebrated their own events at this time and may have their own reasons surrounding the celebrations, and some of these celebrations. [1] [2], as the case may be, welcome to the trees and other plants, bulbs, roots and the nature of a blossoming of these developments will be the cause of allergies, which relates to the taxonomic, although it is visible at the moment of the year, but also in the other months.

And quite ironically now the year is also known as the cause of allergies, in particular the final date set is due to pollen season … the plants and trees.

Pollen allergy

The taxonomic status of the process to start plants fertilization through the process on the road and into the air, on the other hand, are small particles, to be published in the Stamen (institution of the male part) so that they reach the pistil of the corresponding species of plants.

Also known as rhinitis, or Hayfever this allergy occurs when the person who is traveling through the sensitized sheep erythrocytes diluted immune system inhales pollen in the air, triggering in such a way as to enable the development of immunity-the answer to that is associated with antibodies that attack the harmless proteins, (which are part of the pollen) dissemination of information that a person has been exposed to.

How to spot pollen allergy

Symptoms such as Wheezing, Conjunctivitis, Watering eyes, grumblemarc, wiijo321035, sore throat, Coughing, Fever, Stuffy nose (nasal congestion), organised, headaches, Impaired taste and odour, Itching eyes, mouth, skin, nose and throat, Nosebleeds, Plugged up ears, Sneezing, irritable bowel, fatigue, and in extreme cases, the hives, rashes, and are all indicators of this type of allergies and will continue to affect people who are sensitive to, since pollen in the air for a week, and month.

One should look for the combination of these problems, BTW!

And almost anyone will agree when I say that this can be a downright annoying, especially if you have a busy life (and that is!).

Diagnosis and treatment of Pollen allergy

Also known as RAST or allergy test, the patient's blood is taken and tested IgE (immunoglobin), who has been behind the pollen levels are, of course, one should not. [1] [2], the following procedure shall apply to this allergy if it persists and doctor at the meeting with this diagnosis is carried out.

Although some Benadryl Allergy OTC medication such as Claritin, Allegra and Zyrtec, work well in such a way as to enable a non-fatal reaksiyĆ³n with, one can visit the allergist as soon as the above mentioned symptoms persist.

The condition of the pollen Of dealing with serious allergy testing some doctors may have recourse to you and which you can then allergy shots to remedy the problem.

However, with regard to the prevention of pollen allergy to go a long way to avoid these problems, the harvest again and again either staying indoors and keeping the Windows closed and, since this is possible all the time, one also be used to prevent itself from being this pollen allergy face mask.

In this decision are in accordance with

Staying indoors may really suck, especially when everything is ANEW IMPETUS FOR EUROPEAN YOUTH during the spring, so consider seriously getting one of these masks!

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