Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How to Care For your brain in minutes a day While At Work

In the morning and go to work, the battle continues to struggle to go home. You have worked for 8 in the morning, had lunch hours, lasted for about clock coffee and received 5 in the afternoon. Stressed? Of course. Which would ' nt be spread with the tonne target the Office table and somehow active work within the 8-hour, on the other hand, they have not yet completed and you will be able to go home feeling that shoulder discomfort exists without and search a year older.

You have chosen to be on top and in such a way as to ensure you work til you drop. You've liked the promotion, and for a long time, and this time it does not decrypt your colleague, which seems to be his health in the upper part of the younger everyday search. You want to receive the edge? How do I? Let your brain work.And I bet, you stare is me, saying, at the same time, "are you blind?" Read.

M. Jeff Victoroff, d., Professor at the University of Southern California medical school and Saving Your Brain by Clinical Neurology "we days lifestyle decisions may deeply affects the whether or not the brain operates their peak potential," says the optimal possibilities for being a means. [1] [2] the business of that promotion. Here is how:

Even if your colleagues are stuck is traffic, you can try to take a new route to work. It is a happiness that you can drag a parking lot in the past but appear later than they do at the very least, eventhough you have much smarter. British researchers study conducted by the London taxi drivers they were found not to be used for the carriage of the most experienced drivers with was the largest of the rear part of the hippocampo region, which is responsible for the memory.

Taxi drivers have access to the complex layout of the city's geographical themselve, and remember this information every day. [1] [2] If you do this, be aware that they are larger than the brain of the building. It is a challenge that stimulates your brain. It will charge the account a monthly administrative life, so you can search for alternative paths to make it easier for you to go to work. Just as the agendas for the body, the more you use, including, but not limited to, the more it grows.

A snack during the collegues munching their Bagels. However, much to the same, to resist the temptation and think that you would be better with a protein shake. The Swiss researchers, according to three different nicely — high-carbohydrate, high protein and a balance between both — is a high-protein meal, which helped the men in the results of the highest level of computer memory test.Karina Fischer, Ph.d., lead study author "short term memory can be much better after the meal, containing protein because of the food in order to increase the levels of the amino acids of its own and phenylalanine, tyrosine," says.

Although the only one-off wholesale charges which competitors must swear, water cooler, you will be able to listen to white noise. An example of this is compatible with the swooshing sound, such as the untuned radio station. Studies show that you are listening to the white nois while you work on your own can really improve the concentration.Mary Anne Baker, Ph.d., a professor at Indiana University Southeast psychology "flat, smooth sound of constant intensity and regularity of the underlying transactions reduces unexpected sounds effect: making it harder for the brain to process them," says White noise is produced at a constant level. [1] [2] at a low level, so the screen at random and distracted away without itself, thereby helping to strengthen your mind to concentrate on the job at hand the distraction.

Festive time and Bullying may seem, does not go and skip downing martini, colleagues trend instead of a white wine.European research revealed recently that the people who drink one or two drinks a day will keep their memories better than heavy drinkers.Dr. Victoroff "Alcohol reduces your cholesterol, so you must do a better job of more bloodflow and glucose and oxygen reach your own brain," says.Why not red?Red wine gives many people headaches, hard clear sometimes contain toxins, and beer can sabotage your waistline measures but a glass of white wine can be a great way to keep in contact with brain running strong.

Is a simple remote control, Tartu, and see what is. but this time instead of the remote control, why not try the joystick? no connection trousers, but your child or your cousins joystick connected to the Xbox. [1] [2] the British researchers found that users play video games is the longer, the greater levels of concentration. child, notice how your responses properly or exactly, even though he is busy trying to dodge your opponent's racing cars? we do not see a thing or two children. [1] [2] when all other cases, they are much more intelligent than us, and is only because they never turn off their brains.

Photo by philcampbell