Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Burn Tummy Fat-2 Awesome Tips for a Sexy Midsection

Trying to burn tummy fat can be a difficult thing to do!The mainstream idea of how to burn tummy fat involves eating a small amount of calories combined with doing lots of crunches everyday. If you have ever tried this approach, you have almost undoubtedly found yourself to have slow results. This article will show you two great ways to burn tummy fat, but first you need to understand why doing hundreds of crunches will not help!Why Doing Hundreds of Crunches Does Not Help Burn Fat from Your TummyDoing lots of crunches might help you gain core strength, but it will not help to "spot reduce" your tummy. Spot reduction is a common myth that if you want to lose fat in a certain area, you do so by working the muscle underneath it.Unfortunately, you cannot lose fat in a certain area by doing lots of crunches. If you are going to lose fat, you will do so all over your body. Therefore, you need to focus on losing overall body fat as opposed to just fat in one area! Now that you know that spot reduction through lots of crunches is not an adequate way to burn tummy fat, its time that you learn two great ways that work!TIP #1: Total body workouts are the way to go.Total body workouts are a great way to burn tummy fat because of how effective they are at adding lean muscle mass all over your body. By adding lean muscle mass, you help to increase your metabolism.Having a fast metabolism is an awesome way to burn fat because it will help you to burn calories while being active and also while at rest. Doing lots of crunches definitely does not work enough muscle to help raise your metabolism.Here is an example of what a total body workout to burn fat might look like:1. Inverted pushups2. Lunges3. Seated row4. Hamstring leg curls on a stability ball5. Ab crunches on a stability ball6. Med ball squat, curl, and pressCan you see how the above workout works your entire body? Remember that to raise your metabolism to burn fat, you need to work a lot of muscle. The more muscle you work, the more lean muscle mass you will gain, and the more tummy fat you will burn =)TIP #2: Have the right dietThis is the cornerstone to effectively burn fat. If you do not have the right diet, then no amount of exercise is going to help! The main thing you want to concentrate on with your diet is to eat the small meals of protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats. If you eat these in small meals 4-6 times per day, you will not feel hungry as often and your blood sugar will stay more level.You also want to avoid high glycemic "bad" carbs as much as possible. These carbs include white bread, junk food, fast food, refined sugar, etc. These bad carbs make your blood sugar go very high, and your body will respond be releasing more insulin to store the excess as body fat.CONCLUSIONIf you want more detailed information about how to burn tummy fat with exercise and the right diet, check out the links below for some great information. Remember to work hard, train hard, and keep a positive attitude!Want to Reprint this Article on How to Burn Tummy Fat?Reprinting is welcome as long as the content, links, author bio, and resource box are all included and remain completely unchanged.