children's nutritional needs vary according to age. Parents, as we know, that would be the best food we can provide us with the children. Leading a healthy lifestyle starts with knowing the nutritional needs of children in different kotitalouteensa.
School age children, reference is made to them, ranging from four to 18 years old. They are preschoolers of high school. Although the nutritional needs of children in this category vary depending on what their bodies need nutrients are, in principle, to keep them active, energized, and strong. The following is child's nutritional needs criteria:
Never tried, scan, you can obtain the grocery shelves on food labels? If you did, some of them are the recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) entries, which represent a sound person must be an essential nutrients in the dietary intake of pesticide residues levels.
No, this is a very important tool for determining the specific nutritional needs of children in the age group.
In fact, may be aware, but schools are authorized to serve at least one-third of the canteen during lunchtime RDAs children who eat their packed lunches meet nutritional needs there.
You can still remember when we studied information science before the food pyramid and how it is important to us? Another very useful tool in determining the children all the nutritional needs of schoolchildren in brackets is the Food Guide Pyramid.
It provides for, in principle, be up to 30% of the energy intake of fat and less than 10% of saturated fats. Children would be served more grains, vegetables, fruits, milk and meat, but still less fats and sweets. Teenagers, and adults, as the case may be, must comply with the guidelines.
If you request a school, how much they like the food, you will get a very tyƶpaikkaruokalan depressing answer. Although the canteen food is meant for children in schools, including, but not limited to the nutritional needs of their children ruokavaliotottumusten depend on the economic, social and psychological factors.
Children who are still under the supervision of their parents is very much dependent on their parents ' food choices. However, they reach high school, their food choices affect the environment, in particular, the their friends. This has a significant impact on their dietary needs.
Efforts to increase revenues quickly in some schools contracts with companies of food and beverage. vending machines, and others have sprouted, with a view to adopting a school such as food, chips, hot dogs, pizza, ice cream and candies.
Therefore, the child's intake of fruits, vegetables and other healthy options is significantly reduced. Children's nutritional needs were not met, the resulting increase in obese children numbers.
Snacking has become our main eating style. This is something very disturbing! A large part of the energy that the monitoring of foodstuffs intended for human consumption derived from the children come from fat. Fast food has become a new culture, according to the needs of the children.
Parents, we want this to happen. As much as we tell our children, to encourage and serve foods and keep them healthy and strong.